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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 8, Issue 6, pp. 923-1091

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Solution of Interface Problems by Homogenization. III

Ivo Babuska

pp. 923-937

A Volterra Equation with a Nonconvolution Kernel

T. R. Kiffe

pp. 938-949

On an Integral Equation in a Hilbert Space

Stig-Olof Londen

pp. 950-970

Hypoelliptic Infinitesimal Generators

Alberto Baider and Barry Cherkas

pp. 971-977

New Relations between Two Types of Bessel Function Integrals

Henry E. Fettis

pp. 978-982

Generalizations of Farkas' Theorem

B. D. Craven and J. J. Koliha

pp. 983-997

Nonexistence of Nontrivial Solutions of Schrödinger Type Systems

G. B. Khosrovshahi

pp. 998-1013

On a Generalization of the Poisson Kernel for Jacobi Polynomials

Mizan Rahman

pp. 1014-1031

Comparison Theorems for Second Order Riccati Equations with Applications

L. Erbe

pp. 1032-1037

Bounds on the Number of Poles of the Solution of a General Riccati Equation

A. Ronveaux, M-C. Dumont-Lepage, and J. Habay

pp. 1038-1056

Linear Systems of Differential Equations with Singular Coefficients

Stephen L. Campbell

pp. 1057-1066

On the Validity of the Two-Timing Method for Large Times

James P. Keener

pp. 1067-1091